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Diploma from Balto. Polytechnic Institute and certificate of scholarship, 1907

 File — Folder: OS


  • 1907

Conditions Governing Access

The collection is open for research use.


From the Collection: 1.25 Linear Feet (3 boxes)

Language of Materials

From the Collection: English

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Physical Description

2 items

Scope and Contents

From the Collection:

Charles Alexander Fairbank, Sr. Papers, 1868-1909

The papers of Charles Alexander Fairbank, Sr. consists of incoming correspondence dated 1868-1909 with the bulk falling between 1868-1873. The majority of the letters were written by Sarah (Sallie) Sherwood Sinclair, a Baltimore teacher whom he later married. Charles and Sarah's letters include discussions of religion, education, their jobs, mutual friends, the theater, and most frequently, their feelings for one another. Also included are several letters to Charles from his son Herbert written while the latter attended Cornell Univ. between 1907-1910.

Sarah (Sallie) Sherwood Sinclair Papers, 1866-1917

Her papers consist of incoming correspondence from Charles Alexander Fairbank, Sr. Also included are approximately 15 letters written by M.A. McCord (fl.1872), a gentleman friend who was presumably not well received by Miss Sinclair given the notes she wrote on his letters. In addition, there are several letters written by Sarah's daughter, Grace Carolyn Fairbank, while the latter was vacationing at Mt. Lake Park, MD.

Charles Alexander Fairbank, Jr. Papers, 1898-1942

The documents contained within the collection are an invitation to the 1898 City College graduation, a receipt, and newspaper clippings and a memorial tribute written at the time of his death.

Grace Carolyn Fairbank Papers, 1892-1929

Grace Fairbank's papers include report cards (1892-95; 1920-29), a teachers certificate (1895), a church booklet (1917), and incoming correspondence (1911-1963). The correspondence contains several family letters as well as letters from the Balto. City School System in regard to appointments and promotions.

Mary A. Sinclair Papers, 1869-1889

Papers consist of guardianship certificate, two pieces of outgoing correspondence, and real estate papers concerning property on Chester Street.

Herbert Sinclair Fairbank Papers, 1918-1962

The Herbert S. Fairbank papers consist of incoming correspondence (1907-1962), a travel diary (1931), certificates/citations/diplomas (1907-1962), speeches (1946), souvenir programs (1907-1950), an address book (n.d.), engineering notes (n.d.) and other misc. items. The correspondence not only reflects Fairbank's active career with the Office of Public Roads but his personal life as well. Included are letters (1907-1910) written by family members while he was attending Cornell University; letters (1930) from a friend he met during a trip aboard the S.S. Levathan; get well cards (1952); White House and Foreign Embassy invitations; and, letters regarding his retirement in 1955. Also included are numerous letters dealing with road and highway construction, traffic regulation, and transportation legislation.

Miscellaneous Items

In addition to the Fairbank Family material, there are several items whose relation to the Fairbanks is uncertain. These include an account book for a sign painter (1874), two account books for the Howard Park M.E. Church Ladies Aid Society (1922-1930), and a class record book kept by a teacher named John Barker (1917-1918).

Repository Details

Part of the H. Furlong Baldwin Library Repository

H. Furlong Baldwin Library
Maryland Center for History and Culture
610 Park Avenue
Baltimore MD 21201 United States