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Women workers shucking oysters, undated

Identifier: PP1.6.1


  • undated


Conditions Governing Access

This collection is open for research use.


1 Items

Language of Materials

From the Collection: English

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Existence and Location of Copies


Scope and Contents

From the Collection:

The collection consists of 3 boxes containing approx. 523 stereoview photoprints mounted on cards. Ranging in date from ca. 1860-1912, included subjects are Baltimore and Maryland buildings, churches, parks, monuments, streets, and events including celebrations and disasters; the Maryland National Guard 5th Regiment at camps in Maryland and New Jersey; views along the routes of various railroads in the region; the Civil War, including battle fields, cemeteries, monuments, and ruins at sites in Maryland, Pennsylvania and Virginia; and the Centennial Exhibition in Philadelphia, 1876. There is also a set of comical and theatrical subjects, and a group of sites in Warren, Mass.

Publishers and photographers represented in the collection include the following: From Baltimore: Richard Walzl; W.M. Chase; Chase and Bachrach; G.W. Robinson; E.V. Daily; XLNT Views; Van Wagner and Dyer; and C. Garwood. From elsewhere in Maryland: C.H. Hopkins (Annapolis, Md.); Markens and Bielfeld (Frederick, Md.); E.M. Recher (Hagerstown, Md.); and Bishop Brothers (Cumberland, Md.). From outside Maryland or unspecified locations: J.W. and J.S. Moulton (Salem, Mass.); E. and H.T. Anthony and Co. (New York, N.Y.); H.C. White (N. Bennington, Vt.); Keystone View Co. (Meadville, Pa. and other locations); Underwood and Underwood (New York, N.Y. and other locations); Kilburn Brothers (Littleton, N.H.); Geo. W. Kirk (Huntington, W. Va.); Mumper and Co. (Gettysburg, Pa.); W.H. Tipton and Co. (Gettysburg, Pa.); H. Ball (Walpole, N.H.); George Barker (Niagara Falls, N.Y.); W. Long (Cape May, N.J.); J.A. Williams (Newport, R.I.); Anderson’s (Richmond, Va.); James Cremer (Philadelphia, Pa.); Centennial Photographic Co. (Philadelphia, Pa.); C.H. Lanphear (Warren, Mass.); T.B. Boothroyd (Auburn, N.Y.); Philp and Solomons (Washington, D.C.); Alex. Gardner; James F. Gibson; and T.H. O’Sullivan.


Repository Details

Part of the H. Furlong Baldwin Library Repository

H. Furlong Baldwin Library
Maryland Center for History and Culture
610 Park Avenue
Baltimore MD 21201 United States