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Miscellaneous Illinois land papers, 1818-1842

 File — Box: 5


  • 1818-1842

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From the Collection: 1.88 Linear Feet (5 boxes)

Language of Materials

From the Collection: English

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Scope and Contents

From the Collection:

I. Land

A. Deeds, patents, and certificates for lands in Baltimore City and County, 1670-1853.

B. Lists of lands belonging to Charles Carroll, Daniel Dulaney, and Cornelius Howard.

C. Surveys:

1. Surveyors' notebooks

a. Philip Jones (2 vols.), 1727-1730.

b. Cornelius Howard I (2 vols.), 1718-1747.

c. Cornelius Howard II (5 vols.), 1798-1810.

2. Papers dealing with Maccubbins Survey of Whetstone Point, 1659-1770

Includes plats of Meadows, Kinsey, Cromwell's Inheritance, Darbyshire, Taylor's Point, and Companys Marsh; certificates of Athill, Cromwell's Inheritance, Kinsey, Long Acre, Pierce's Encouragement, Taylor's Forest. Also included are a patent for Kinsey, courses of the meanderings of the Patapsco, land correspondence and land agreements.

3. Surveys of various lands in Baltimore, including a survey of Old Court Road done in 1831, and a resurvey of the lands of Cornelius Howard and others done in 1790.

4. Accounts of surveys done by Cornelius Howard II (1 vol.) 1805-1807, also contains a copy of the Act Ascertaining the Bounds of Lands.

D. Papers dealing with Cornelius Howard II's land in Illinois, 1818-1853

These papers include a map of the Illinois Territory, undated and receipts for Illinois land tax, 1820-1849. Also includes correspondence between Cornelius Howard II and Moore, Morton and Co. (the land agency in Illinois which handled Howard's land transactions), as well as correspondence between Moore, Morton and Co. and George Elder (the executor of Cornelius Howard II's estate).

E. Papers dealing with land litigations

Includes copies of court records and legal opinions for a number of land cases, including Cromwell vs. Howard and Johnson vs. Johns.

II. Financial

A. Farm daybooks of Cornelius Howard II (3 vols.), 1803-1844, showing daily accounts for livestock, slaves, and food.

B. Accounts 1759-1844, of Cornelius Howard and others, including an account book of Cornelius Howard II, dated 1816.

C. Financial papers of the Croxall family

Includes James Croxall's bills, accounts, and receipts, 1803-1808; Mary Croxall's vouchers, 1810-1815; and an inventory of Charles Croxall's estate, 1796.

D. Bonds, 1761-1843.

III. Personal Papers

A. Cornelius Howard II correspondence:

1. Letterbook, 1798-1811, content mainly political.

2. Personal correspondence of Cornelius Howard II, 1814-1834, including letters between Howard and his cousin Ann Crawford Jones.

B. Correspondence of others, including David R. Gist, Robert Moale, Alexander Wells, H.L. Davis, and George Elder.

C. Papers dealing with settling the estates of Cornelius Howard and Cornelius Howard II.


Repository Details

Part of the H. Furlong Baldwin Library Repository

H. Furlong Baldwin Library
Maryland Center for History and Culture
610 Park Avenue
Baltimore MD 21201 United States