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Incoming Correspondence, 1903

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  • 1903

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This series contains five miscellaneous items pertaining to the Luke family, the maternal ancestors of Rose Lindsay Hopkins Harvey. Included are a photocopied newsclipping about Mr. [-] Luke, a Scottish papermaker; a photograph on cardboard of a membership card for the English, Irish and Scotch Paper Makers; two letters, dated 1910 and 1912, from Rev. P.B. Thom of Fossoway, Scotland to Mr. William Luke; and a photocopy of a eulogy on Mrs. William A. Luke of Covington, Virginia.


Robert Dixon Hopkins was born in Baltimore in 1847. His family moved to Royal Oak, Talbot County, Md. when he was four. At age nineteen, Robert returned to Baltimore and worked for Cole, Brigham & Co. until they went out of business. In 1876, the Brigham & Hopkins company was formed to manufacture straw hats. Around 1900, Robert became president of the company (renamed Brigham-Hopkins Co. in 1891) succeeding William T. Brigham. Robert's two brothers, James Morsell Hopkins and William I. Hopkins, were also involved in the straw hat manufacturing business.

In addition to manufacturing, Robert Dixon Hopkins was involved in banking. He served as director and vice-president of the Drovers' and Mechanics' National Bank for a number of years and was elected president in 1918. He served in this capacity until two months before his death in 1921.

In 1895 Robert Dixon Hopkins married Isabel Luke. They had five children, David Luke Hopkins, Walter H. Hopkins, James Morsell Hopkins (2d), Rose Lindsay Hopkins, and William M. Hopkins.

The papers of Robert Dixon Hopkins consist of his outgoing correspondence, three newspaper articles, and a printed brochure, “Report of the Condition of the Drovers and Mechanics National Bank” dated 1920. The five letters, dated April 1908 and addressed to his wife Isabel, discuss family matters, especially the death of Robert's sister, Emma (Mrs. Preston M. Brock). The letters are written on the letterhead stationery of the Brigham-Hopkins Company.


Isabel Luke (1864-1946) was the daughter of William and Rosa Lindsay Luke of Rockland, Delaware. Isabel moved to Baltimore in 1895 after her marriage to Robert Dixon Hopkins.

In addition to raising five children, Isabel was involved in Red Cross work during World War I, served as a member of the board of the Home for Incurables and was active in church affairs.

Isabel was a well-traveled individual. At the age of 24, she spent a year living with relatives in Scotland. During that time she visited England, France (which included seeing the 1889 Paris Exhibition), Switzerland and Germany. In the summer of 1894, Isabel traveled to France, England, Scotland, Belgium, Germany, Austria, Italy, and Switzerland. Her travel diary of 1888-1894 records her experiences on these trips. There are several recipes written on the last few pages of this volume. Isabel's 1906 travel diary documents a trip through the western United States and Canada, visiting Illinois (Chicago), Kansas, New Mexico, the Grand Canyon, California (Los Angeles and San Francisco), Washington (Seattle) and Vancouver, British Columbia.

Isabel's 1901 diary records the weather and daily activities at home. Major events were the birth of her son, James Morsell Hopkins, in June and President McKinley's assasination in September.

In addition to diaries, the papers of Isabel Luke Hopkins include one incoming letter from her children (1903), a printed announcement of her wedding (1895), recipes and newspaper clippings.


Ellen Mayes Whitthorne was born 26 July 1862, the daughter of Curran and Matilda Jane Campbell Whitthorne. She married Alexander Harvey in 1882 and had five children, Jane Whitthorne Harvey (Whitman), Curran Whitthorne Harvey, Alexander Harvey, Jr., Harry Walters Harvey, and Frederick Barton Harvey.

The papers of Ellen Mayes Whitthorne Harvey consist of three outgoing letters. One, dated 20 April 1895, deals with the grief she felt at the death of her five year old child, Harry.


James Morsell Hopkins (known as Morsell) was the son of Isabel Luke and Robert Dixon Hopkins. He was born 6 June 1901, as recorded in his mother's diary. He attended Princeton University for two years, but died at the age of 20 in 1921 during his Junior year.

James Morsell Hopkins' papers include letters written to his mother while he was at Princeton (1920-1921). Subjects revolve around studies, sports, campus activities and family news. This section also contains a newspaper clipping and pages from what appears to be a school yearbook.


David Luke Hopkins, generally called Luke, was the son of Isabel Luke and Robert Dixon Hopkins. Born in Baltimore on 29 December 1898, he attended the Jefferson and Marston Schools and received his college education at Princeton University.

Upon graduation, DLH entered the banking business at the Drovers and Mechanics National Bank. Over the years his career included executive and “directorateship” positions in several companies. He was also active in civic affairs serving on the boards of Johns Hopkins Hospital, the Harriet Lane Home for Invalid Children, Evergreen House Foundation, Walters Art Gallery, the Greater Baltimore Medical Center, Gilman School and many others.

During World War II, DLH represented the Johns Hopkins University at the Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory in Silver Spring, Md., where the proximity fuse was developed. In 1946 he was decorated with the Presidential Medal for Merit regarding his work there.

He was a member of the Atomic Energy Commission Security Panel from 1949 to 1950. In 1952-53 he served as assistant secretary general for Production and Logistics of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization.

He died on 16 May 1976 at the age of 77.

The David Luke Hopkins papers comprise letters written to his mother during his Senior year at Princeton (1921). The subjects reflect his campus activities and studies.


Rose Lindsay Hopkins, the daughter of Isabel Luke and Robert Dixon Hopkins, was born on 13 May 1897. She attended St. Timothy's School in Catonsville, Md. and made her social debut in 1916.

During World War I Rose worked as a volunteer for the Red Cross. At the war's close, in 1919, she married Frederick Barton Harvey who had served in France as a lieutenant in the Army. The Harveys had seven children: Robert Dixon Hopkins Harvey, Frederick Barton Harvey, Jr., Alexander Harvey II, Isabel Luke Harvey (Boswell), Rose Lindsay Harvey (Finkenstaedt), Ellen Whitthorne Harvey (Kelly), and Jean Hogarth Harvey (Baker). She died in 1980.

The Rose Lindsay Hopkins (Harvey) papers consist of correspondence, diaries, a baptismal certificate, a baby book (including a photograph of Rose at age four months), wedding memorabilia, and newsclippings about her debutant season and wedding. Incoming correspondence contains congratulatory letters on her engagement and marriage (1917-1919) and sympathy letters upon the death of her husband (1977). One letter, dated 1956 from her son-in-law, William Boswell, mentions a house being designed for them by Frank Lloyd Wright. A large body of letters written to RLH by her fiancé is contained in the papers of FBH.

The bulk of Rose's papers is made up of diaries. Her personal diaries (1914-1919, 1979) reflect daily activities at school and home, social life and Red Cross volunteer work.

The remaining 25 volumes are diaries which she kept on her extensive travels. Most of the volumes record two or three separate trips. They have been arranged chronologically according to the date of the first entry.


Frederick Barton Harvey, known to family and friends as Barton, was born on 13 August 1891 to Alexander and Ellen Mayes Whitthorne Harvey of Catonsville, Maryland. He was educated at the Calvert School in Baltimore and The Hill School in Pottstown, Pennsylvania. In 1914 he graduated from Harvard University.

He began his career in Baltimore with the Detrich and Harvey Co. By 1917 he was employed by the Bartlett-Hayward Co. The approach of World War I interrupted his career. In 1916 he started his military training at Tobyhanna, Pennsylvania in Battery A of the Maryland Field Artillery.

In May, 1917, FBH went to Officers' Reserve Training Camp at Ft. Myer, Virginia. He received his commission as a Second Lieutenant in August and was stationed at Ft. Lee in Petersburg, Virginia with the 80th Division, 305th Ammunition Train. His duties were to train the incoming recruits and help organize the unit for action overseas.

His unit sailed for France in June, 1918 and were fighting at the front in September. The war ended a few months later but FBH's unit was not sent home until June, 1919. He was mustered out at Ft. Dix in Trenton, New Jersey.

Just before he left for France, FBH became engaged to Rose Lindsay Hopkins. They were married as soon as he returned from the war and raised seven children: Robert Dixon Hopkins Harvey, Frederick Barton Harvey, Jr., Alexander Harvey, 2d, Isabel Luke Harvey (Boswell), Rose Lindsay Harvey (Finkenstaedt), Ellen Whitthorne Harvey (Kelly), Jean Hogarth Harvey (Baker).

FBH founded the insurance brokerage firm of Stump, Harvey, Gavin, Inc. which was later named Stump, Harvey, Cook, Inc. He died on Nov. 28, 1977.

The bulk of the Frederick Barton Harvey Papers consists of his outgoing correspondence to Rose Lindsay Harvey. The letters begin in 1913, FBH's senior year at Harvard, and continue through his early business career in Baltimore and his army service in World War I. Subjects include: social life in Baltimore and Catonsville; death of Alexander Harvey in 1914; the sale of Detrich & Harvey Co. to Bethlehem Steel in 1915; the approach of U.S. involvement in World War I, military training and camp life; Blacks and Italians in the army; military action in France; activities in France while on leave; attitudes towards the war, army organization, Germans and Frenchmen.

FBH's incoming correspondence (1917) consists mainly of congratulatory letters upon his engagement to Rose Lindsay Hopkins.

A diary begun in May, 1918, records FBH's departure to France and ends in August, 1918, just before he goes to the front. The diary was intended for the use of soldiers and contains a printed section with money and measurement equivalents, military definitions and slang, penetration of a rifle bullet, semaphore and Morse codes, useful knots, judging distances, first aid, French vocabulary, and information on military equipment and procedures. A 1935 diary records a trip to France and Spain via the Cunard Line ship, S.S. Aquatania.

Other items in this section include calling cards, notes, newsclippings and one issue (1918) of The Bayonet, the camp newspaper at Ft. Lee, Petersburg, Virginia.


Robert Dixon Hopkins Harvey (Bobby), the eldest son of Frederick Barton and Rose Lindsay Hopkins Harvey, was born on July 10, 1920 in Baltimore, Maryland. He attended Gilman School (Baltimore) and the Hill School Pottstown, Pa.) from which he graduated in 1938. In 1942 he graduated summa cum laude from Princeton University.

With the approach of World War II, RDHH joined the army and attended Officer Candidate School at Ft. Bragg, North Carolina and Ft. Sill, Oklahoma. Part of this training included a course in the Chinese language at Yale University.

Early in 1944 he was assigned to overseas duty in the China-Burma-India theater of war where he taught American military methods to Chinese troops. In July, 1944, he received a commission as Captain in the Chinese Army and a bronze star. Starting in December, 1944, he spent 8 months in a guerilla intelligence unit in the Chinese Combat Command. During the last few months of the war, RDHH served as an adjutant in General Bowman's Canton headquarters and was a witness to the surrender by General Tanaka of the Japanese forces in Southern China to General Bowman and Marshall Chang Fa Kwei. In August, 1945, RDHH was promoted to the rank of Captain.

Upon his return to the U.S., RDHH began a career in banking with the Maryland Trust Company. He furthered his education by earning a degree in business from Johns Hopkins University in 1953 and a degree from the Stonier Graduate School of Banking at Rutgers University in 1957. He became president of the Maryland Trust Company in 1959. A year later, when Maryland Trust merged with the Fidelity-Baltimore National Bank to become the Maryland National Bank, RDHH was elected chief executive officer of the new organization.

In 1952 RDHH married Nancy Gross. They had four children: Ann and Ellen Harvey (twins), Robert Dixon Hopkins Harvey, Jr., and Jane Whitthorne Harvey.

The Robert Dixon Hopkins Harvey Papers consist chiefly of his outgoing correspondence to his parents and to his grandmother, Isabel Luke Hopkins. The letters begin in 1935 while RDHH was attending the Hill School. They continue throughout his years at Princeton and his military service up to his return to the U.S. in December, 1945. Subjects include campus social life, studies and sports at the Hill School (1935-1938) and Princeton University (1938-1942); military training; military operations in India, Burma and China; Chinese people and lifestyle; Chinese military and political situation during World War II including Communist activities; family news and personal financial arrangements.

Also included are a Commencement Announcement from the Hill School (1938), Chinese and Indochinese money, Army newsreleases and newspapers (1944), and photocopies of news clippings (1944-1945).


Frederick Barton Harvey, Jr. (Bartie), the son of Frederick Barton and Rose Lindsay Hopkins Harvey, was born on 22 June, 1921. He graduated from The Hill School, Pottstown, Pennsylvania in 1939 and from Harvard University in 1942.

At the outbreak of World War II, FBH, Jr. joined the Marine Corps. After training at Parris Island, South Carolina, he was commissioned as a

second lieutenant and sent to the Northern Pacific area with Company A, First Battalion, 25th Marines where he participated in the January 31, 1944 invasion of the Marshall Islands. He stayed there briefly and then was sent to a rest base on Maui, Hawaii.

In June, 1944, FBH, Jr. led a rifle platoon against Japanese positions near the town of Charankanos during the Saipan invasion. He was wounded in the wrist and sent to a naval hospital.

In October, 1944, FBH, Jr. returned to the U.S. to attend a flight training school at the Naval Air Station in Ottumwa, Iowa. He was transferred in April, 1945, to the Naval Air Station in Corpus Christi, Texas for further training and remained there until the end of the war.

While in Texas, FBH, jr. met and married Grace Walter Locke. As soon as he was mustered out he returned with his new wife to Baltimore where he joined the investment banking firm of Alexander Brown and Sons. He became a partner in the business in 1953. The Harveys had four children: FBH III, Grace Locke Harvey, John (Jack) Harvey, Rose Hopkins Harvey.

The Frederick Barton Harvey Papers consist of outgoing correspondence (1929-1946), chiefly to his parents, F. Barton and Rose Lindsay Hopkins Harvey, and his grandmother, Isabel Luke Hopkins. Subjects include school studies and sports at the Hill School (1936-1939) and Harvard University (1939-1942); military training; military operations in the Northern Pacific; attitudes toward the Japanese soldiers, social activities and sports on military bases; family news and personal financial arrangements.

The papers also contain a typescript of a press release describing FBH, Jr.'s activities during the Saipan invasion and photocopies of newsclippings.


Alexander Harvey, 2d (Zandy), the youngest son of Frederick Barton and Rose Lindsay Hopkins Harvey, was born on May 3, 1923. He attended the Gilman School in Baltimore and the Hill School in Pottstown, Pa.

He entered Yale University in the Fall of 1941 and joined an ROTC unit. World War II interrupted his studies; his ROTC unit was sent to Ft. Bragg, N.C. for basic training and then to Officer Candidate School in Ft. Sill, Oklahoma. He was then assigned to a newly-formed field artillery battalion and sent to Ft. Benning, Georgia for more training.

In February, 1945, AH22 d's battalion, part of the 3rd Army, 71st Infantry Division, was sent to Europe where they participated in the 3rd Army's advance from Metz, France, through Southern Germany and into Austria. AH 2 d'served as a Reconaissance Officer, making aerial observations of enemy positions and directing fire.

AH,2d was sent home on leave in October, 1945. The following month he reported to a flight training school at Sheppard Field, Texas, and in March, 1946, he was sent to Ft. Sill, Oklahoma for a pilot's class in the Army Ground Forces Air Training School. He remained there until his discharge in April, 1946.

Upon his return to civilian life, AH, 2d completed his degree at Yale in 1947 and went on to receive a law degree from Columbia in 1950. He joined the law firm of Ober, Williams and Grimes (then known as Ober, Williams, Grimes and Stinson).

Between 1955 and 1957 AH, 2d served as an Assistant Attorney General of Maryland. In 1966 he was appointed a judge in the Federal District Court of Maryland.

AH, 2d married Mrs. Elizabeth Williams Williams and had two children: Elizabeth Williams Harvey and Alexander Harvey, III. Two other children, C.K. Williams, Jr. and Cynthia, were Mrs Harvey's children from a previous marriage.

The Alexander Harvey, 2d Papers consist mainly of his outgoing correspondence (1938-1946) to his parents, Frederick Barton and Rose Lindsay Hopkins Harvey, and his grandmother, Isabel Luke Hopkins. Subjects include family news; school studies, sports and social activities at the Hill School (1938-1941) and at Yale (1941-1943); pre-war patriotic propaganda campaigns; war preparedness measures at Yale (physical training, Civil Defense drills, blood donations); military training; military operations in France, Germany and Austria; political climate of Paris in 1945; French attitude toward American, British and Black American soldiers; Allied occupation of German towns; attitudes toward German people; treatment of POW's and liberation of concentration camps.

Also included in this series are two calling cards of AH, 2d, dated ca. 1945.


Isabel Luke Harvey, the eldest daughter of Frederick Barton and Rose Lindsay Hopkins Harvey, was born in November, 1924. She attended Miss Hall's School in Pittsfield, Massachusetts (1940-1943) and enrolled at Vassar in the fall of 1943.

In 1946 she married William Picton Boswell. They had five children: Paul Wilson Boswell, William Luke Boswell, Lindsay Boswell, Ellen Boswell, and David Picton Boswell.

The Isabel Luke Harvey (Boswell) Papers consists of her outgoing correspondence, ca. 1930 to 1946. The bulk of the letters falls during her school years, 1940-1946. Subjects include school activities, family news, a speech (1940) by Wendell Wilkie in which he blundered by calling the people of Pittsfield “the people of Pittsburgh”, visits of Eleanor and Franklin Roosevelt to Vassar in 1943, and a honeymoon trip to California and the Southwest which included a golf course encounter with Bing Crosby. The papers also contain a printed invitation to the Harvey-Boswell wedding in 1946.


Rose Lindsay Harvey (Posey), the daughter of Frederick Barton and Rose Lindsay Hopkins Harvey, was born on 27 March, 1927. Between 1942 and 1945 she attended Miss Hall's School in Pittsfield, Massachusetts. She attended Vassar College for two years, then transferred to Columbia University where she received AB, MA and PhD degrees.

After her marriage to James Clements Finkenstaedt in Sept., 1948, she and her husband traveled to England, Scotland and France. They enrolled at the Sorbonne University in Paris. The Finkenstaedts had two children: James Clements Finkenstaedt, Jr., and Isabel Lindsay Finkenstaedt.

The Rose Lindsay Harvey (Finkenstaedt) Papers consists chiefly of her outgoing correspondence, 1942-1945, 1947-1949. Subjects include school activities, family news, postwar London, Scotland and France. Many of the letters written from Paris discuss the French political situation surrounding deGaulle, Petain, Communism and reactions to Truman's policies (1948-1949). The papers also include progress reports from Rose's summer camp, Camp Merestead (1940), and an essay on Maggie Mooney, a long-time domestic servant in the Hopkins' household.


Ellen Whitthorne Harvey, the daughter of Frederick Barton and Rose Lindsay Hopkins Harvey, was born on 24 June, 1929. Her papers consist mainly of outgoing correspondence while she was a student at St. Timothy's School in Catonsville, Md. (1944-1945). Subjects include school activities and family news. In 1950 Ellen married William Bolton Kelly. The collection contains one letter written during her honeymoon trip to Jamaica. The Kellys had six children: Lucy Kelly, George Washington Curran Kelly, Ellen Curran Kelly, William Bolton Kelly, Katherine Buckley Kelly and Jean Hogarth Kelly.


Jean Hogarth Harvey was born on 9 February 1933, the youngest child of Frederick Barton and Rose Lindsay Hopkins Harvey. Her papers consist of four outgoing letters written at Beaver Camp, East Union, Maine during the summers of 1944 and 1945. Subjects include camp activities and family news. She married R. Robinson Baker in 1953. The collection includes one letter written while on her honeymoon in Hot Springs, Va. Jean attended Vassar College, then transferred to Goucher college and graduated in 1961. She received her MA and PhD degrees from Johns Hopkins U. in 1965 and 1971, respectively. In 1978 she became the History Dept. Chm. at Goucher College.

The Bakers had four children: Susan Dixon Baker, Ribinson Scot Baker, Robert Walker Baker, Jean Harvey Baker.


Miscellaneous correspondence contains four letters from Mrs. Robert W. Williams, (1955), [UNK] Finkenstaedt] (1975), Jennie W. Delano (n.d.), and and unidentified writer (n.d.).


The genealogical correspondence contains letters (1962-1974) between Rose Lindsay Hopkins Harvey and Charles Sheppard regarding their Campbell family connections. Other genealogical material includes a photocopy of the Harvey Family Bible Record (1882-1935), notes, Harvey coat of arms and three copies of a typescript “Family Record of Annie Sharples Long”. Family names mentioned are Alexander, Allen, Blackman, Breed, Campbell, Carter, Denis, Doughty, Gill, Harvey, Hewes, Huertin, Lindsay, Long, Lott, Onderdonck, (various spellings), Pelletrean, Platt, Polk, Ustick, Van Bergen, Van der Donck, Van der Vliet, Van Dyck, Walters, Whitman, Whitthorne and Wisener.


This series contains an assortment of essays and stories by the grandchildren of F. Barton and Rose L.H. Harvey, notes, recipes, photocopies of Margaret (Maggie) Mooney's obituary, and a typescript of a toast proposed to F. Barton and Rose L.H. Harvey at a family celebration in Paris, France, 20 July, 1960.


This series contains stamped covers dating ca. 1913-1945.

Repository Details

Part of the H. Furlong Baldwin Library Repository

H. Furlong Baldwin Library
Maryland Center for History and Culture
610 Park Avenue
Baltimore MD 21201 United States